Mountain biking in Amaya - Casa Rural en Amaya (Burgos)

Mountain biking in Amaya

The special geography of Las Loras and Peña Amaya in particular make it a perfect place for lovers of mountain bike routes.

Below you have information about the different mountain bike routes signposted in the area of Peña Amaya and that you can start from the same rural house.

Difficulty level

Green: Low difficulty level. Also suitable for families with children.
Blue: Medium difficulty level. For beginners in the practice of the activity.
Red: High difficulty level. For mountain bikers with medium/high level of difficulty.

Valdeamaya Route


Information about the Valdeamaya Route (PDF)

Map of the Route (PDF)

Peones de Amaya Route


Information about the Peones de Amaya Route (PDF)

Route map (PDF)

Riomance Valley Route


Information about the Riomance Valley Route (PDF)

Route map (PDF)

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