The Yeguamea is a natural intermittent spring that emerges directly from the rock, generating a jet of pressurized water. After heavy and persistent rains or after thawing in years of abundant snow, it emerges directly from a limestone outcrop, Peña Lora. – Wikipedia

Yeguamea is located near the town of Fuenteodra (10.7 km from Amaya), and can be reached by car, by road, and then on foot through short trails. Its water, of karst origin, has a crystalline blue hue due to the presence of certain solutes. On the sides there are two minor springs, El Potrillo and La Potrilla, which together with Yeguamea, pour their water into the Odra river.

How to get to Yeguamea
The following map has marked the exact location of Yeguamea, and with it you can calculate the route to get there from Amaya or any other place.