From the distance, the silhouette of Peña Amaya is reminiscent of a Sleeping Goddess. For this reason this video is titled this way.
From the Iron Age to the present day.
The video makes a journey from the Iron Age, the Cantabrians (Amaya was their capital), the passage of Rome, then Goths, Arabs, … until today.
However, to really enjoy it, there is no virtual reality or digital media. You have to be there live, in person. You have to walk through it. Alone or accompanied.
Sit on its stones and contemplate the horizon.
It is quite an experience to be aware that the place where you are and the horizon you contemplate is the same one that for thousands of years, thousands of men from different cultures and places contemplated.
Probably in that moment of peace we can connect with those experiences.
For a long time it was a center of power coveted by the civilizations that passed through northern Spain.
At present, it is a clear example of empty Spain or emptied Spain (who knows).
For those of us who have the luxury of living in or near it, it is a haven of peace. A special place that holds many secrets. Your visit is an excuse to connect with ourselves.
Enjoy it.
The ascent to Peña Amaya begins from the same rural tourism house in Amaya