Trail running in Peña Amaya - Casa Rural en Amaya (Burgos)

Trail running routes or mountain races at Peña Amaya

There are many benefits of trail running or mountain races. Peña Amaya is a perfect place to enjoy this sport.

Trail Running or mountain running is a sport that takes place in high, medium and low mountain. Peña Amaya is located in the Geopark Las Loras and gives the opportunity to enjoy running in several routes of varying difficulty.

Some of the proposed routes start in the village of Amaya, you also have the alternative of starting in the parking lot of Peña Amaya (thus saving 4 kilometers between round trip). Just after climbing the Trinchera we arrive at an esplanade where the guard house is located, the views of the horizon are wonderful. In this esplanade you can choose to climb to the Castle or continue to the Spring and then climb the Muela to the Geodesic Point or skirt it.

Recommendations to enjoy the mountain race.

Equipping ourselves with the appropriate performance material allows us to be more efficient and faster.

We also advise you :

We must not forget a good knowledge of the environment.

Here are some links with trail running routes through Peña Amaya:

In addition to these mountain races you can enjoy Peña Amaya and our environment with other activities.

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